3. Supported Functions
PEMDAS Widget supports many functions.
Trigonometric Functions
Note that the default angular units are radians. You can set whether you want to work in Radians or Degrees by using the Degrees/Radians button on the bottom bar.
- sin(x) = Sine of x.
- cos(x) = Cosine of x.
- tan(x) = Tangent (sin(x)/cos(x)) of x.
- csc(x) = Cosecant (1/sin(x)) of x.
- sec(x) = Secant (1/cos(x)) of x.
- cot(x) = Cotangent (1/tan(x)) of x.
- asin(x) = Arcsin of x.
- acos(x) = Arccos of x.
- atan(x) = Arctan of x.
Hyperbolic Functions
Note: if you are working in degrees, x will be converted to radians before calculation. i.e., in degree mode, sinh(90) will be evaluated as sinh(pi/2).
- sinh(x) = Hyperbolic sine of x.
- cosh(x) = Hyperbolic cosine of x.
- tanh(x) = Hyperbolic tangent of x.
- csch(x) = Hyperbolic cosecant (1/sinh(x)) of x.
- sech(x) = Hyperbolic secant (1/cosh(x)) of x.
- coth(x) = Hyperbolic cotangent (1/tan(x)) of x.
Exponential & Logarithmic Functions
- exp(x) = Notation for raising e to the x.
- ln(x) = Natural log of x.
- log(x) = Log base 10 of x.
Rounding Functions
- floor(x) = If x is non-integer, it will round x to the nearest integer towards negative infinity.
- ceil(x) = If x is non-integer, it will round x to the nearest integer towards positive infinity.
- round(x) = If x is non-integer, it will round x to the nearest integer.
Other Functions
- sqrt(x) = Takes the square root of x.